Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cool things I can tick off my to-do list:

  • See the African stars twinkle
  • Drink homemade -still bubbling- sorghum beer from a big clay-pot, at a local Rwandan wedding, sharing the few hollow drinking sticks with the other guests
  • Stand at the back of a pick-up truck while its driving through a national park, with one of the best singer-songwriters of this planet singing in my left ear
  • Go for a very sweaty run through a big tropical arboretum, during sunset, not seen by anybody, except a group of monkeys
  • Have tons of little friends, and be at home, in Umurera-village
  • Go for a hike in one of the largest remaining pieces of African mountain forest
  • Eat a piece of cow stomach (still feel like throwing up when I think about it...)
  • Be greeted by my own -quite difficult- name, by countless children, along my way to work, in rural Africa
  • Taste a mango, just seconds after it left the tree, because it was me, floating right there, in Lake Malawi, underneath a mango tree
  • Enjoy a beautiful purple, and orange, and pink, and red, sunset, while being surrounded by herds of quiet, very chill, elephants
  • Swim across a swollen mountain-stream, dressed, and packed, because it was the only possibility to reach a dry place during some very rainy moments of the rain season
  • Come home, after not being home for quite a few months

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Kahama. Church being build.

(Dirty) Dodoma