Hahaha. So... here is my report to you all, mostly about my trip out West. The first pictures show you some other things from the week and weekend before I left, you can read more about it in the post before this one.

This is the staff of Jersey Canada at the office in Guelph. From left to right you see Jill, Phyllis, Ryan and Russell.

Wow, bald eagles... How awesome can you be... This is a picture of a fourteen year old one at the bird of prey show at the African Lion Safari. Later, during the trip, I have seen and pictured two wild ones!!!

Yes; there you see the Falls! With some surrounding commercial stuff (several streets look like Las Vegas, as far as I know how that city looks like). The ones on the right are the American Falls by night, straight, lower and smaller, but its definetily a good thing when the view of your hotelroom contains a look over these!

Just a beautiful butterfly

Tuesday morning around 7 Dietrich picked me up at Garsholm Farms and after a final look at the Jerseys and everything, we were on the road! First we had to drive North for quite some time, just to get around the big lakes.

We followed the coast of Lake Huron, till Tobermory, where we took the ferry to Manitoulin Island (the worlds largest fresh water island, just that you know), where a lot of native people live. The water was the clearest water I had ever seen (that didnt came out of a tap or bottle). Shortly after we arrived on the land again, we were able to head NW or even W, following the coastline (a kind of) of Lake Superior. The first night while I was driving there was a dead moose on the road, wow, they are SO huge... We slept a couple of hours in the car, besides the road in Lake Superior Provincial Park, till the sun woke us again. During an early bird walk we saw the two bald eagles, together in the top of a dead tree. After every step that I was able to come closer without them flying away, I took a picture...

Just a few minutes later we saw a male moose, and this one was alive! When we first stopped and got out of the car he was just looking at us and than he went on, eating the water plants till he walked on for a bit, totally relaxed. I guess he doesnt have a lot of enemies...
Before we entered boring and ugly Thunderbay we visited the Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, packed with almost tame deer. After a very, very, very quick visit to Thunderbay we saw Kakabeka Falls, where brown water thunders through a canyon. We drove till after midnight and slept in the car beside the road again. It is fun driving in this part of Ontario, ever since we left the ferry the road was curvy, hilly and not to busy, with an incredible view!

Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and my two travel partners for the week
On Thursday (May 18th) I woke up while the car was driving, just before Winnipeg. When I got up from the back seats of the car I saw that the road was straight, the view endless and the landscape almost flat. What a change! We arrived in Winnipeg around 6 am, drove through the city centre, nothing too special, and walked through the park with very nice sculpture part while we were waiting for the Royal Canadian Mint to open.

Yeah, lets celebrate the important things in life; the arrival of the Dutch in Manitoba!!! Other picture is of the Cadillac sign, with Winnipegs city centre in the background ;)
The only way to visit the Mint was with a guided tour and the first one started at 10.30, so we left this city after we visited the gift shop (how interesting!) and kept on driving to the West on highway 1 for many hours. We decided to try camping in a park for a night, so we drove South for a bit, till we arrived in Moose Mountain Provincial Park around 3 pm. The temperature was quite a bit higher than in Ontario, so emidiately changing of clothes was necessary. Tried to find a nice trail to hike, but there was not too much choice, so we sat down at a lake to see if the beavers would show up in front of their house. Not to much luck today.

Sunset at Kakabeka Falls
Friday morning up at 5 and heading NW towards Saskatchewans capital Regina. We were surprised how late schoolbuses filled with kids were still on the road and at the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Museum and trainings centre we found out that we crossed another time border! Haha, so we were up and running at 4 am! Regina is a nice city with lots of green and space and some nice buildings.

We were in Alberta for less than an hour when the temperature of the cooling was 130 degrees! We had to sit down and wait, drive carefully back to Medicine Hat and visit friends to change to oil. It was after midnight before we left and drove on to Write-On-Stone-Provincial Park, very close to the U.S. border.
Sunrise somewhere between Moose Mountain Prov. Park and Regina
On Saturday we were up even before the sun, to be able to see the sun rise. It was very beautiful, even with my half sleeping head and half closed eyes (starting to get a kind of tired). After that we drove NW again, till Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, a historic site thats on the UNESCO heritage list. In earlier days the Indians used to scare the buffalo and they would run like crazy, without being able to stop when they arrived at the cliffs. We were able to get a first, misty glimp of the Rocky Mountains... Mmmmm
We didnt always take the highway...
Shortly after Head-Smashed-In, we started travelling North on the cowboy trail. After a while we had to turn around because a road was closed, but its not too bad if you have to drive a road twice with this much to see. At one moment there were totally blue birds flying around the car! We skipped Calgary and headed West, into the rainy Rocky Mountains. After a short drive through visit to Banff we walked a trail at Lake Louise. It is difficult to believe that the water was really that clear and most of all, so blue! The lake was still frozen for the biggest part and there was a lot of snow, brrrr!
Before all Canadian readers will think it, I better say it; wooden shoes, wooden head, wouldnt listen... Seems to work for all Dutch people ;)
That night we drove till the Saskatchewan River Crossing, where we slept in de car that was parked in some parking place. Sunday was our resting day, so we decided to hike a trail to Glacier Lake, which you can see in the picture above. It was just an awesome day, we walked from 9 am till 8 pm and whenever I was thirsty I drank the water from the lake or, when we were walking in between the evergreen trees, stream. Ice and ice cold!! We walked at least 40 km and it was just amazing how quiet it was and how beautiful...
Monday morning we drove to Edmonton where we brought a visit to the West Edmonton Mall, the biggest mall in the world. Thats where I bought my guitar; a deep red acoustic Fender, a beauty!!! After some trouble with finding human beings in Rochester, for directions to the farm, I arrived May 22nd around 7 pm at the Unique Stock Farm of Dave and Tracey Morey. The next morning I was up at 5 for milking etc. And thats what I am still doing ;) I am looking forward to the Calgary Stampede and the arrival of my parents and sister on the 8th of July, 20.30 in Edmonton!My little palace
Greetings to you all!
Zozo Lotje!
Ziet er goed uit, ziet er goed uit! donders mooie foto;s en verhalen zeg! jij hebt heel canada nou wel zo'n beetje doorgespit of niet? leuk om je zo een beetje in de gaten te houden, veel plezier nog gewenst en geniet.. van de tijd van je leven? groetjes en liefs, remy
totally awesome!
dat is heel wat uurtjes in de auto rijden...
Hoi Lotte,
Hoe is het daar in de verte? Ik heb je site een beetje doorgespit (ben eigenlijk aan het werk, dus kan niet alles heel goed lezen), en zie dat je erg veel aan het beleven bent. Geweldig hoor, zo'n levenservaring!
Denk je ook nog wel eens aan voetbal? Binnenkort op de aristondames site foto's van het Groningen toernooi en het teamuitje. Hoe staat het met je voetbalconditie?
Groetjes Sannie
ej lot!
alles weer goed met je pols?;) nog 3 weken en we komen je opzoeken :D:D:D kus, zus
Hey Lotte Lotte ( could be a song I think) Just had a giggle reading your blog, I love the way you turn a phrase (upsideways) You probably don't remember me i met you in St Hyacinth at the show , before you went to Montreal. Hope all is well at the Moreys I'm sure you are learning lots and there are many cows to observe there. Take care until we meet again Larry of rexlea
Hoi Lotte,
Je bent nu zo'n beetje begonnen aan de laatste loodjes, hè?!
Sterkte met het afronden en loslaten. Maar ook veel plezier in het ontmoeten van je pa en ma en zus.Een heel goede tijd samen toegewenst. Veel liefs, Jàco
Hoi Lotte,
Vanuit Laxenburg een berichtje. Fijn he dat je ouders en zus er nu zijn! Ze hadden er dan ook veel zin in. Hopelijk hebben ze een goede reis gehad.
Wát een belevenissen! Mijn Canadese hart ging helemaal open :-) Een van de mooiste foto's vond ik die van de trillium.
Binnenkort ben je jarig! Ik weet niet of je dit nu af en toe leest, maar ik zal een dig.kaartje laten klaarzetten; we vliegen nl. morgen naar Parijs. Hoofdreden: Marius werkt daar een week. Hij is, na vakantie in India, een paar maanden voor zijn werk in Japan en Australië.
Een hele fijne vakantie met elkaar en alvast een fijne dag de 15e!
Liefs en groeten van tante Jook en oom Leen uit een erg warm Oostenrijk.
Hey Lotje,
volgens je broertje kun je niet bij internet, dus is het vast niet erg als ik je 2 dagen te laat feliciteer met het bereiken van je 21e verjaardag! Gods zegen voor het nieuwe jaar en mogelijk nog tot ooit in Nederland, is het gezellig met paps, mams en renee? kusje remy hoooooooooooooiiii!
I think you mentioned your birthday was around this time wasn't it?? Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you're enjoying your family time in Canada and that you're seeing some wonderful sights! My parents say hello and happy birthday too!
Take Care!
Leanne & Dwight Garrett
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