Tuesday, November 28, 2006


My roommates and I got a letter from the Duwo today, the organisation/company that we're renting our rooms from. As I might have told you, the house where I'm living right now (and all the houses in the street) will be broken down, because they're gonna build a tunnel for the trains. The date that we had to leave our little home was June 30th,.... till today! They're not able to make it, so I can keep living here till March 31st 2008.
So that canges things quite a bit. I was planning on leaving my room in March, when I'm leaving for Africa, and never move back again. The house wasn't going to be here anyway. But now I can try to rent it to somebody else for the months I'll be gone, and move back into my room after. I haven't decided what to do yet, it'll depend on what I want to do after this. Maybe I'll try to get a master in another city, than I'll have to move anyway... But, we'll see, I first have to get through this week. And with the start of the weekend, I'm gonna roll into the next stress; Sinterklaas. I still have to buy a present, write a poem and creat a surprise (can't find a dicationary, so it might be something different for English reader than I mean).

Have a great day!

P.S. Sinterklaas is comparable to Santa Claus, except for the fact the our celebration is based on a guy that really lived one day, and Coca Cola didn't make him up : )


Anonymous said...

Hiya Lotte,

I was reading a friend of a friends blog, and thought I would send you the link....she's currently living in Africa!! :) Her blog says she's gotten malaria 2 times already...poor girl, learn from this and keep up your shots!!

Anyway here it is:

Hope you're keeping well, glad to hear about the house :)

Take care Dutchie,

Anonymous said...

Yo lotje, jij wordt multinationaal in de gaten gehouden zeg! gefeliciteerd met je huissieverlenging! geluksbeer! groetjes!