Monday, August 20, 2007


Last days I was working on a little assingment I needed to write about all practicles in the past years plus my recent graduation-thing, and they're asking me to give an answer to the question if I'll keep on studying for my master degree or if I'll start working... With motivation. Grapjassen.
If only I would know the answer to thát question...

I've been busy with my graduation report till last Wednesday, a night of Malawian fun at my place with Veerle, Leonie en Joeri followed. Then from Thursday till Saturday night I've been working at a Christian festival called Flevo. The government actually paid me, through some organisation, to make people aware of the fact there are milleniumgoals. (I hope you ever heard about them?! Lots and lots of people had no clue what I was talking about). So I got into the festival for free and at night, and even also during the day, I had more then enough time to enjoy a lot of great live music, some sun and a relaxing atmosphere. There were some bands I'd never heard about, but I wont forget them soon; Christafari (christian reggae; completely fantastic feast), Over the Rhine (good voice and very enjoyable tunes) and The Gentlemen, from the UK (decent rock/punk with good lyrics).

And this week 2000 fresh students are walking and biking around in this little city I call mine. All (even slightly) student related organisations, associations and other ations open up their doors. At C.S.R., my student association, for tonight, we have a lecture, some live music, a bbq and some drinks. Tonight I have all the time of the world, because today was the day of two other deadlines (an article and that little assignment)...

There's still one exam, a report and a presentation about the project in Malawi to go (and probably correct the graduation report + article)...

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