Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tracy Chapman (solo)

Thankfull to say that I was present at this concert. Sunday night. All alone. Snow falling, wind blowing. Amsterdam. Managed to get a spot at the front; could literally touch the stage. Nothing or nobody blocking my view. One of the best musicians ever. Solo. For a couple of hours, which I never wanted to come to an end. Just
herself and a guitar, in a small circle of light. She seems to be such a benign person. Very friendly and honest. And her music is só good!!
Out of all the music on my iPod, she puts my thoughts and feelings into words like nobody else.

Feel like my head must be glowing like a light in the dark, out of pure happiness.


Anonymous said...

Very nice review! Thanx for sharing your thoughts on the concert you attended!

Veerle said...

Hola chica!

Alles goe?
Hier in België alles rustig, koud maar gezellig!
Hoewel mn huisje wacht op de komst van een paar ollanders (en de komst van de sint natuurlijk ook!)

Dikke missende kus
voor allen!
vanuit t exotische Brujas