Monday, December 1, 2008

Good ol' Delft

Here's some pictures from Delft. One is the room at my old home, Perron 0 (= Platform Zero), where I still lay down my head to sleep, whenever I'm around. This room is no longer available to be rented out, so it's (kind of) empty. And there's lesson nr. 1 of the course "Dutch creativity and bikes".
Finally, a sad shot of the train station area (my old house is part of the area too); more and more houses are empty. Ready to fall apart, and make room for the construction of a train tunnel.
P.S. de B.S: Finally found a temporary room in Wageningen! Four months. It's small (2 by 6/7 meters), but also a small price. Tomorrow will be my first night; on a camping mattrass, in my sleeping bag. My days will be stretched, with four and a half extra hours (at least...) each day!


Veerle said...


Lotte said...

Jij zou ook je hoofd nog wel eens op zo'n heerlijk geurend Perron 0 matras willen leggen, of niet...?


Anonymous said...

En waar ben je nu?

Anonymous said...


Da Bronx, New York.

Ik weet het...

Veerle said...

k heb je huisje in delft gezien vant weekend
t staat er nog :-)

tot gauw
en veel plezier hé,