Saturday, July 21, 2007


Dear f@#$%^&$%^#@#ng thief,

Thanks for making me realize how important my camera and the pictures I take are to me.
Every time I'm reaching for my camera, I have to bite my lip, realizing it's not where it belongs; in my pocket. I feel like there's a limp amputated. Feel like screaming. Feel like running till I'm exhausted, till I drop down with cramps. Feel like hitting or kicking something (or someone) once for each of the more than 600 pictures I lost, for good.
I know that in a way you've been nice; you were there in our room, you could have taken everything, while you only took my camera and all pictures from the last seven weeks. I'm lucky to be healthy, to still have my ticket and passport. Lucky I'm getting into a plane tonight, holding my family again tomorrow.
And that if problems like these are my biggest in life, I shouldn't complain, but still. Still the camera wasn't working properly anyway, so you're not going to be able to use it anyway. Next time please take the camera, take my money, take it all, but PLEASE leave the memory cards on my bed...

Ohhh. I would do everything to get them back. But its not going to be possible.


Veerle said...

Lieve Lotte,
we leven met je mee
en ook ons hartje doet pijn van het verlies
van ons eigen verlies, maar ook van de mooie fotos die jij altijd maakt en die we nu allen moeten missen....
snif snif

Veerel en Loeni

Anonymous said...

das balen... welkom terug lotje! kusje reempje