Monday, September 21, 2009

Holiday by bike.

The point with the green + red flag is home, which we left on Monday, and came back to on Saturday. Travelled North the first day, and biked all around. Have to admit that we skipped the part Den Helder-Haarlem, where we took a train, because of our 'Battle on the Afsluitdijk', the day before: a 33 km long dike, in combination with two student bikes, wind speed 7 (even 8 sometimes), no gears, and about one downpour every hour. It took us four full hours :) Luckely parents and sisters, with warm houses, showers, clotheslines, couches, etc., are living along the route..

Flo, doing the cooking.

Insect-eating plant (Drosera).

See those trees bending? We had to bike the opposite direction. For long, long hours. Some parts it was just impossible to bike, so we had to walk a little.


Anonymous said...

wowzers, you are one very ambitious girl Lotte!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Its nice to learn about the adventures on the bike...i hope life is treating you well. I enjoy admiring the nice pictures! They are really great and beautiful. Kind regards from Abidjan