Saturday, September 18, 2010


Some pictures from my travels; Kampala, Arusha, and one taken from the bus on the way back up to Nairobi. Sorry, but you guys have to get used to the small picture-size; to upload just these, the African internet took all my patience. Will travel to the field again tomorrow, so pictures from Rwanda will have to wait till next weekend.


Lotte said...

My Rwandan phone number: +250 782 804 789.
Will post a proper story, and hopefully also some good pictures of Rwanda, as soon as I can.

Veerle said...

schoon schoon...
Al begonnen nu? En wat precies eigenlijk? Vertel eens beetje van je project?

Leuk hoor, mensen jaloers maken :-)

Anonymous said...


what a nice pictures! the images are quite large actually when you click on it. i hope my sms will reach your phone as I'm sending it right now. what a world huh? 'the technics stands for nothing' :)

good luck over there. Lotje, living her dream... wow!

kiss, reempje!