Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Think about it.

- Each minute 12 children under the age of 5 die because of malnutrition (FAO, State of Food Security in the World, 2003)
- The rich fifth of the humanity consumes 86% of total consumings (UNDP, 2003)
- Nearly one billion people do not have access to save drinking water (UNDP, 2005)
- More then 1,2 billion people make less than $1 a day, this is 23% of all living people (UNDP, 2003)
- An African gets $8 subsidy of the EU, a European cow $913 (UNDP 2003)
- Ten-thirty percent of birds, mammals and amphibians face extinction (bron: UN Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005)
- A third of all grane produced on earth, is used to feed cattle (World Watch Institute, 2004)
- To produce one kilo of potatoes, 500 liters of water is necessary, for one kilo of beef 10.000 (Colin Tudge, So shall we reap)

Just to even get me a bit more depressed then I already was today, I bumped into these facts. I just finished an article about fair clothes; in the way there was 'fair coffee' first, 'fair bananas' next, now you're able to buy 'fair clothes' on more and more places. I got this from a christian website that thinks it is time to turn right now, so these are probably the most depressing and negative facts that they could possibly find, I'm sensible enough to realise that. But still... they're true... I couldn't help posting them, just because it aint wrong to think about these kind of things. (And maybe act a bit different).
I know that my next shopping for clothes (íf that will ever happen in the first place... ; ) will be in a fair shop, and my sister will join me.

Enough thoughts.
Last weekend we celebrated 'Sinterklaas' with the seven of us, although today is the actual day remember his death, the weekend was just much easier. Sunday everybody was busy till the end of the day, finishing a poem or surprise etc. My dad had to buy some presents for me (I got a little board game, socks, a cd and the book 'I dreamed of Africa'), and write a poem and create a surprise (he got me a can filled with maggots, referring to my dirty way of living at Uniquestock...). It was good to get together and have fun; it was too late too fast. I can't wait to start reading in my new book, it's from a lady who emigrates to Kenya (to the South you get Tanzania first and then Malawi), but I first have to finish the four other books I'm reading right now...

Have a good night, whoever you are,



Anonymous said...

wordt er stil van...

Anonymous said...

waar is lotte?

Anonymous said...

zullen we eens een keer naar een eerlijke winkel gaan, of ga je in malawi kleding kopen? ;) renee