Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lotte is in New York City

First of all, I have two confessions to make. I sinned, and I'm addicted.
I said yes to somebody who offered me a drink, and before I knew it, I was holding one of those Star Bucks-cups... And I'm addicted to the smell of the laundromats. They're everywhere, with their ventilationsystems. Just wish I could store that smell somewhere...

Anyway. New York.
Tuesday we had this really warm wind, some showers and a grey sky. Wednesday was a blue sky for the whole day, chilly wind in the morning and nice and warm later on. Yesterday was ok, and today it's grey and rainy.

Some observations.
Lots of people chewing gum with their mouth open. Not so many tourists around here, and the ones I see are Americans themselves. It surprised me to see that there are people (mostly fat Americans), who actually wear the the I love NY-tshirts... There are lots of gangsta's on the street. And businessmen, some black, some even with hats :) There are choppers in the air, non-stop. This is the first place in the world where I saw a flag inside a church. All fire trucks, and there are many of them, are carying a big flag as well.

Been all over Central Park, seen the Strawberry Fields, Columbus, the Woodlands, etc. There seems to be a continuous marathon being held in the park, it makes me feel unhealthy. I totally love the parks here anyway, I got lost in one really big one, above Manhattan, and I ended up at a golfcourt during sunset, just hoping the gates weren't closed :)
But you find whole sportsteams practicing on the public (?) field. And little 5-year olds running around some tracks. And lots of joggers. And dogs. And combinations of them.

Haven't done anything really. Didn't visit some building, or museum, but walked around, took a subway, walked around some more. And more. And more. Talked with some people. Bought some food.
In Harlem, in Little Italy, through SoHo (tried to find Moby, to compliment him with his new album), East-Village, all through huge China town, have seen all sides of Central Park, spend hours walking in Brooklyn, even been to Coney Island and all the way down south in Manhattan, where the harbours are. Saw the little, lonely, Statue of Liberty, far, far away. Entered some churches, as well as the chapel near ground zero, which was real impressive. Walked all the way to Brooklyn over Brooklyn Bridge; half an hour after leaving the bridge, the traffic was still running through my head.
As a white girl, I am a minority most of the time, sometimes (most of the time) everybody is black, sometimes all Mexican. Or Chinese/Asian. Or Jewish. Or white, and businessmen :)

Had two toasted bagels, with butter, for breakfast, which I ordered in the back of a little grocery in Harlem, just as a lot of school kids did. Ate Mexican strawberries for lunch, bought at a corner in downtown Manhattan.
Men, my feet are tired, and so are my legs. My shoulders are still sour from my hike on Mondaynight. But I'll get out, enjoy a last day in this city.

By the way, not able to plug my camera into this computer. I know pictures would say a lot more than all these words about places you can't see. Sorry for that. Have to wait a little longer...


Lotte said...

Trouwens, mam, ik heb pas dinsdag het juiste hostel gevonden. Eerst maandag bij 1 van die andere aangekomen en doorgestuurd, maar niet gevonden.
Toen zo moe dat ik maar daar heb geslapen (duur), en dinsdag door naar deze, die (niet doorvertellen aan pap) in Harlem is :)



Anonymous said...

Lotje lotje, walking by the streets of NewYork. jij bent echt stoer, lekker in je eentje de wijde wereld in! wow... jij schopt het ver in het leven! helemaal tot aan de andere kant van dat grote water! echt leuk om te lezen Lot, heb je je neger al gevonden? :p kusje!