Tuesday, April 1, 2008

" Welcome to the United State of America"

Yeah right. I would almost believe it. Left fingerprint. Right fingerprint. Picture. No, no smiling!! What are you here for? Why do you want to get into the U.S.A.? How fast are you leaving again?

Still I already know that four, five days in the fascinating city wont be enough. I feel as if I want to live here for a year. Maybe I'll get back on that point, but that's something else.
I sat down on a rock in Central Park, eating my muesli-bread.
Already used the subway quite a lot, although that's not necesarry a good sign.
Saw hundreds of those yellow taxi's. And all the huge cars. And crazy people on the subway. And a little lost-looking tourist, with one big and one litte backpack.

I'm getting out into Manhattan. Score some breakfast.


Anonymous said...


Veerle said...

idd :-)

Anonymous said...

ik loop een paar weekjes achter, had alleen iets gelezen van een missende tas op het vliegveld, dat je terrorist leek te zijn en dat he broodjes eet in central park. mijn reis door jouw leven aan de andere kant van de wereld gaat nu beginnen! hope you are doing well! kusje reempje